english tutor,中學補習,補習社-兩會熱詞英語怎麼說? 05

english tutor,中學補習,補習社-兩會熱詞英語怎麼說? 05

【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】

1、 科學發展觀 Scientific Outlook on Development 科學發展觀 Scientific Outlook on Development A concept initiated by the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2003. It stresses a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development that is people-orientated. With priority on addressing the needs and protecting the rights of the people, the country will not only grow in economic terms, but also in political and cultural terms. The growth aims to bridge regional disparity, the urban-rural gap, protect resources, and the environment.This concept is the core of policies by the CPC's current leaders headed by Hu Jintao. At the 17th CPC National Congress in October 2007, it was formally included in the Party Constitution.科學發展觀,是中共中央總書記胡錦濤在2003年7月28日的講話中提出的“堅持以人為本,樹立全面、協調、可持續的發展觀,促進經濟社會和人的全面發展”,按照“統籌城鄉發展、統籌區域發展、統籌經濟社會發展、統籌人與自然和諧發展、統籌國內發展和對外開放”的要求推進各項事業的改革和發展的一種方法論,也是中國共產黨的重大戰略思想。在中國共產黨第十七次全國代表大會上寫入黨章,成為中國共產黨的指導思想之一。 2、 基本醫療衛生服務 basic medical care and health基本醫療衛生服務 basic medical care and health醫藥衛生體制改革協調小組已經取得很大成效,現已制定出醫藥衛生體制改革的基本思路和總體框架。最近要廣泛征求社會各方面的意見,使方案更加完善,更加適應人民群眾的需求。 以下是《中國日報》的英文報道:All people in urban and rural areas will enjoy basic medical care and health services by 2020. While increasing government responsibility and spending, we will also encourage greater participation of private capital from both home and abroad in the sector.The reform covers a wide range of subjects including insurance, drug manufacturing, distribution and supervision, and legislation of medical management.到2020年要建立一個人人享有基本醫療衛生服務的制度。充分發揮政府在規劃、投入、建設和監管方面的作用;同時也鼓勵和歡迎國內外的社會資金進入醫療衛生領域,發展和繁榮中國的醫療衛生事業。堅持統籌兼顧,做到醫療衛生服務體系、醫療保險體系和藥品供應保障體系同步發展、同步改革。 “基本醫療衛生服務”為basic medical care and health services。 與之相關的詞匯有: 醫藥費 medical costs 醫療改革 medical reform 新型農村合作醫療體制 new rural cooperative medical insurance system

3、社會主義新農村 socialist new countryside 社會主義新農村 Socialist New CountrysideTo address the increasingly conspicuous imbalance in the country's economic landscape, the fourth generation leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has gone to great lengths to correct the urban-rural divide. "Socialist New Countryside" is to date the most comprehensive solution it has prescribed.The concept first appeared in early 2005 in a major policy paper on rural development. The CPC-proposed a blueprint for the country's 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-10). It portrays the "new countryside" as featuring "advanced production, a well-to-do life, civilized folkways, a neat look, and democratic management". As part of the campaign, the central authorities are reorienting public finance to support rural development programs.十六屆五中全會對新農村建設提出瞭“生產發展、生活寬裕、鄉風文明、村容整潔、管理民主”的要求。這二十個字的要求是一個有機整體,既包括發展農村生產力,也包括調整完善農村生產關系和上層建築。這是宏觀層面上的目標要求。就操作層面看,有這樣六個方面的內容,即新設施、新環境、新房舍、新公共服務、新社會保障和新精神風貌。

4、 增加投入建“廉租房”國務院總理溫傢寶在十一屆全國人大一次會議上作政府工作報告時說,要抓緊建立住房保障體系。要堅定不移地推進住房改革和建設,讓人民群眾安居樂業。 請看《中國日報》的報道:The premier said in his report to the first session of the 11th NPC that: the government plans to earmark 6.8 billion yuan ($956.6 million) in its 2008 budget to build low-rent houses for the urban poor. The amount is 1.7 billion yuan, or 33 percent, more than last year, Wen said, urging local governments to also increase funding in the sector.溫傢寶總理在十一屆全國人大一次會議上作政府工作報告時說:今年政府計劃投入68億元(合9.566億美元)為城市低收入者建設廉租房。溫傢寶總理說這個資金總數比去年增加瞭17億元,增長率為33%;總理要求地方各級政府也都要增加這方面的投入。Wen also called for more low-priced and small-scale houses for those in the middle-income bracket, as part of an integrated effort to solve housing problems caused by soaring property prices in a red-hot economy.溫總理同時提出要為中等收入傢庭增加中低價位、中小套型的住房供應,通過多種途徑解決過熱經濟形勢下房價飛漲導致的住房問題。該報道中的low-rent house 就是“廉租房”,low-rent housing program就是“廉租房制度”。跟住房制度有關的其他表達還有:economically affordable house 經濟適用房housing project for low-income urban residents 安居工程housing security system 住房保障制度

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