english tutor,中學補習,補習社-【8.3】作為爺們兒 你需要“男人節”嗎

english tutor,中學補習,補習社-【8.3】作為爺們兒 你需要“男人節”嗎

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Do men need their own special day?男人需要“男人節”? In an online survey done by Shanghai Hotline asking “Do men need a holiday for themselves?”, 80.24 percent of respondents said “yes,” with many insisting that “Shanghai men are tired and men deserve a holiday.” Some 10.56 percent said they have no opinion on the day and 9.2 percent said that “it’s not necessary because there’s no historical background for Men’s Day.”在上海熱線的一項網絡調查:“男人們需要自己的節日麼?”中,80.24%的參與者回答“需要”,因為“做上海男人很累,需要放假。”;約10.56%的人不置可否;9.2%的人說因為沒有“男人節”的傳統,所以不需要。Mr. Chan, an employee in a Shanghai real estate company is among the day’s supporters. “It’s a good idea,” he says. “Men nowadays are under great pressure, so we need a holiday to let off steam.”上海一傢房地產公司的職員陳先生支持“男人節”,他表示:“這個主意不錯,現在做男人的壓力太大瞭,我們需要這樣一個節日來釋放自己。”When asked what men could do on Men’s Day, Mr Chan says, “We can do things only for men, like going to a boxing club to bring out the bloody and hooligan side of ourselves.”當被問到“男人節”應該怎麼過時,陳先生說:“可以做一些隻有男人才做的事情,比如去拳擊俱樂部,展現男人血性、陽剛的一面。”Mr. Dong, an employee in a foreign company here, agrees with Mr Chan on the need for a day dedicated to men. “It’s necessary to set up this Men’s Day because of the existence of Women’s Day,” he says. “It’s the same as Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. Moreover, we should get half a day off on from work as well on International Men’s Day.”一傢外企的職員,董先生同意陳先生的觀點,也認為需要一個專門為男人設立的節日。他說:“需要設立‘男人節’,因為有‘婦女節’,就像既有‘母親節’也有‘父親節’一樣。另外,我們應該在這一天休息半天,就像在“國際男人節”一樣。”Of course, opponents do exist. Mr Ye, a freelance writer, doesn’t see the need. “It seems stupid to have this day which is the opposite of March 8, there’s nothing to celebrate, we’re just creating another random holiday,” he says.當然,也有反對的聲音:自由職業者葉先生就認為“男人節”沒有必要。他說:“這隻是個隨便設立的節日而已,根本沒有什麼值得慶祝的。”

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