english tutor,中學補習,補習社-多數美國人是浪漫主義者 從不謊報年齡

english tutor,中學補習,補習社-多數美國人是浪漫主義者 從不謊報年齡

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  Most Americans have never lied about their age, would find it easier to live without air travel than the Internet and in matters of the heart are romantics, according to a new survey.

  Nearly half of the 848 adults questioned in the 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll also said they think Islam is as peaceful as most other religions and 81 percent think the ache of a broken heart is similar to physical pain.

  "It appears that the vast majority of Americans are romantics," CBS said on its website. "As Shakespeare said 'the course of true love never runs smooth' and so it appears that most people can empathize with both the joys of a full heart and the pain of a broken one."

  Nearly 9 out of 10 women and three-quarters of men agreed with the sentiment, the poll, which questioned Americans about topics ranging from religion and politics to celebrities and sports, showed.

  Seventy three percent said they have never lied about their age and if it came down to a choice between flying and the Internet, 61 percent said it would be easier to live without air travel, compared to 32 percent who would give up the Internet.

  The poll also covered pop-culture topics such as whether or not hard-living Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards or Hollywood bad-girl Lindsay Lohan would outlive actor and recent tabloid king Charlie Sheen.

  Thirty three percent thought rock legend Richards would live the longest, followed by frequent rehab resident Lohan at 21 percent and Sheen at 16 percent.

  (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)

  (Agencies)   一項新調查發現,大多數美國人從不謊報自己的年齡,認為可以不乘飛機旅行,但不能離開網絡,而且多數美國人在感情方面都是浪漫主義者。









  empathize: to understand another person's feelings and experiences, especially because you have been in a similar situation(有同感;產生共鳴;表同情)

  tabloid: a newspaper with small pages (usually half the size of those in larger papers).Tabloids usually have short articles and a lot of pictures and stories about famous people, and are thought of as less serious than other newspapers. 小報,通俗小報(版面通常比大報小一半,文章短,圖片多,經常報道名人佚事)

  rehab: 戒毒所

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