english tutor,中學補習,補習社-法國----體重合格 高中會考加分

english tutor,中學補習,補習社-法國----體重合格 高中會考加分

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著名的飽受爭議的迪康減肥法(Dukan Diet)創始人法國營養學傢迪康(Pierre Dukan),日前在其新書中提出,可以通過給變瘦的孩子增加額外考試成績的方法來解決兒童肥胖問題。這項計劃要求在高中畢業會考時,允許所有高中生增加一項所謂“標準體重”的選擇,體格指數保持在18至25之間的學生會得到額外的分數。在學期之初還超重的、經過兩學年之後變瘦的學生可以得到雙倍的分數。迪康認為這種方法能夠帶來很強大的動力,因為高中畢業會考在法國非常重要,學生和傢長都十分重視。 A girl helps herself to a buffet at a fast food restaurant in Harlem in New York December 16, 2009. Pierre Dukan, the nutritionist behind the popular but controversial Dukan diet, has suggested that France tackle child obesity by giving extra exam marks for slimness. Dukan, who has sold 8 million copies of his diet book worldwide, made the proposal in a 250-page book called 'An Open Letter to the Future President', which he sent out Tuesday to 16 candidates for France's presidential election. The plan calls for high school students to be allowed to take a so-called "ideal weight" option in their final year exams, the "baccalaureat," under which they would earn extra points if they kept a body mass index (BMI) of between 18 and 25. Those already overweight at the start of the two-year course would score double points if they managed to slim down over a period of two years. "It's a fantastic motivator," Dukan told the reporters. "The baccalaureat is really important in France. Kids want to get it, their parents want them to even more, so why not get them to work together on nutrition?" Weight gain is becoming an increasing problem in France and experts say sedentary lifestyles and poor nutrition are to blame. World Health Organization (WHO) figures show 50.7 percent of the population were overweight in 2010, including 18.2 percent classed as obese. "There's a real problem. Since the 1960s the number of overweight people in France has risen from 500,000 to 22 million and it's going up every year," Dukan said. "When you reach those levels, it's no longer a health problem, it becomes a political problem, and the leaders of the nation need to worry about it." As well as the suggestion for students, Dukan's book, which will hit French bookshops Thursday, contains a further 119 suggestions for the future president on ways to fight obesity. One idea is the creation of a French fast-food restaurant serving more nutritional versions of the ubiquitous burgers and fries. Dukan has earned an international reputation as diet guru to the stars, although his methods have drawn criticism from some health experts and weightwatchers who say his high-protein meal plan causes fatigue, bad breath and dizziness. But he is also a committed campaigner for the promotion of healthier lifestyles. He recently met executives from McDonald's France with a suggestion for a healthy "McDukan" burger, made with low-fat meat and with oatmeal bread instead of the usual white bun. Unfortunately, the giant food chain turned him down. "They were interested, but they said the public wasn't quite ready for it yet," he said. The BMI, obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of their height, is used as an indicator of the proportion of body fat. The WHO defines a BMI of 18.5 to 25 as normal, 25 to 30 as overweight, and over 30 as obese. baccalaureat: (法國)高中畢業會考 body mass index: 身高體重指數

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