english tutor,中學補習,補習社-2010年網絡人物回顧盤點

english tutor,中學補習,補習社-2010年網絡人物回顧盤點

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Over the past year, several people have shot to fame or notoriety thanks (or no thanks) to the Internet. They have gained recognition from Internet users for a variety of reasons, from work they have done and suffering they have endured to things they have said, from the outrageous to the downright arrogant. The following is a list of 5 Internet figures in 2010. 在過去的一年中,借助互聯網,有人聲名鵲起,有人卻聲名狼藉。他們走紅網絡的原因可謂五花八門。有的是因為工作稱職,有的是因為忍受苦難,還有的是因其言論;這些人中,有的囂張無禮、有的則傲慢至極。下面讓我們回顧一下本年度網絡風雲人物前五名。 No.1 Li Gang and Li Qiming 第一位:李剛和李啟銘 The father and son quickly became famous both in China and overseas when the son, Li Qiming, yelled, "Sue me if you dare. My father is Li Gang," after running over two university students, one of whom later died, on October 16 in Hebei University. 10月16日,李啟銘在河北大學開車撞倒兩名女大學生之後,高喊:“有本事你們告去,我爸是李剛!”一名傷者在被撞後不久身亡。從此,李剛、李啟銘父子在海內外迅速走紅。 The father Li Gang is a deputy director of a public security bureau in Baoding, Hebei Province. (肇事者的)父親李剛是河北省保定市公安局北市區分局副局長。 The family of the dead student, Chen Xiaofeng, said they hoped the son would be sentenced to death. But the family later fired their lawyer, and accepted 460,000 yuan ($69,140) from Li Gang as compensation. 死者陳曉鳳的傢屬表示,他們希望法院能夠判處李啟銘死刑。但隨後,陳曉鳳的傢屬解雇瞭他們的律師,並接受李剛46萬元人民幣(合69140美元)的補償。 Internet users were outraged, and showed it by coining a new satirical phrase: "My father is Li Gang." 此舉激起網絡民憤,網友們也因此創造出一句極具諷刺的網絡名言:“我爸是李剛。” No.2Ma Nuo 第二位:馬諾 This "material girl" was condemned as a gold-digger by many netizens after appearing on Jiangsu TV`s dating show "If You Are the One," thanks to now infamous remarks such as "I`d rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle," which sparked heated discussions on the Internet about love and money. “物質女孩”馬諾在江蘇衛視相親節目《非誠勿擾》中,說出一句臭名昭著的話:“我寧願在寶馬中哭也不願在自行車上笑。”此舉不但引發網絡上關於愛情與金錢的熱烈討論,馬諾也被廣大網民譴責為“拜金女”。 Critics said Ma`s comments showed a prevailing unhealthy attitude where people will sacrifice emotional feelings for materialistic gains. 評論傢指出,馬諾的言論揭示瞭當今盛行的不健康態度:人們犧牲情感以換取物質利益。 No.3Xie Yalong 第三位:謝亞龍 The former vice chairman of the China Football Association has been described by some as a tumor in a Chinese football system plagued by corruption. 有些人稱中國足協前任副主席謝亞龍為腐敗大行其道的中國足球體制中的一顆毒瘤。 He was arrested for receiving bribes and match fixing in September. Over the past years, match fixing, corrupt referees and illegal gambling have stunted the development of Chinese football. 9月,他因受賄和假球被捕。近些年來,假球、裁判腐敗和非法賭球都阻礙瞭中國足球事業的健康發展。 No.4 Fang Zhouzi 第四位:方舟子 Known as the "science cop," Fang came under the spotlight in recent years for helping expose academic misconduct. One of his cases resulted in his being attacked in August near his residence in Beijing. 近年來,有“科學警察”之稱的方舟子因揭發學術不端行為而大出風頭。今年8月,在一次“學術打假”中,他於北京住所附近被襲。 He outed Tang Jun, former president of Microsoft China, for making false claims about his academic qualifications. 他揭發瞭微軟中國前主席唐駿的學歷造假事件。 No.5 Wu Yi 吳怡 第五位:吳怡 The Miss Etiquette of the Guangzhou Asian Games won over Internet users with a 20-minute feat of continuous smiling while officials made speeches during the Games` opening ceremony. She earned herself the moniker "wei xiaojie," which means "smiling lady." 在廣州亞運會開幕式上,亞運禮儀小姐吳怡在中外官員致辭時,臉上一直保持微笑長達20分鐘,此舉使她贏得網友的贊譽,她本人也被稱為“微笑姐”。 The 1.78-meter-tall Wu is a recent graduate of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. 身高1.78米的吳怡是廣東外語外貿大學的一名應屆畢業生。 "I didn`t mean to keep smiling. The posture became natural after 40 days of professional training," Wu said. “我不是刻意地保持微笑。經過40天的專業訓練,這已經變成本能的動作瞭。” Some Internet users were divided over Wu`s smile, some saying it made them feel calm and warm, while others derided it as stiff. 網民對吳怡的微笑頗有分歧。一些人認為,吳怡的微笑讓他們感覺平和而溫暖,有些人則挖苦地說,她的笑容很僵硬。

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