english tutor,中學補習,補習社-時尚雜志評“最理想整容臉”

english tutor,中學補習,補習社-時尚雜志評“最理想整容臉”

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Australia's Marie Claire magazine has come up with their image of the ideal woman, plucking the best features of some of the world's most famous celebrities and composing them into one, strangely recognisable, ensemble. Using data from leading surgeons around the world, the team have pulled together the most requested celebrity looks as received by plastic surgery experts in the past 12 months. Published in the April edition of the glossy magazine, the rendition of the unreal woman suggests that looks can indeed be bought. Mad Men beauty January Jones has cheeks that are hankered after, while Anne Hathaway's eyes are a winner. Natalie Portman's small, streamlined nose is chosen above all others and paired with Scarlett Johansson's mouth - her famous full pout attracting the attention of the cosmetic patients. Halle Berry's sculpted jawline was chosen as the ideal way to shape a face, while, though not a cosmetic procedure option, the image was finished with the blonde, gently curling tresses of country singer, Taylor Swift. No mention of skin complexion, forehead, eyebrows or teeth is made, never mind the rest of the body, though most of the 'ideal' looks may be recreated using face lifts, fillers and rhinoplasty. All of the features come from of-the-moment American A-listers - suggesting that fashions and trends must in part influence the choices. In Australia, women will spend $850 million on modifying their looks and bodies, while in 2009, Americans spent a staggering $10 billion on cosmetic procedures, according to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 澳大利亞版《嘉人》雜志最新推選出完美女性形象,從一些全球最著名的明星身上取出最美之處,組合成令人不可思議的整體效果。 團隊成員將整形外科專傢在過去一年中客戶要求最多的明星相整合在瞭一起。這些數據都來自全球的頂級整形外科醫生。 虛構的這張最美女性相貌發表在今年4月刊的《嘉人》時尚雜志上,同時也表明,美貌是可以花錢買來的。 人們最希望擁有《廣告狂人》劇中的美女詹紐瑞•瓊斯的面頰,和安妮•海瑟薇的眼睛。 娜塔莉•波特曼小巧的流線型鼻子得分最高,再配上斯嘉麗•約翰遜的嘴,她著名的飽滿的翹嘴唇吸引瞭眾多整容人士的註意。 哈莉•貝瑞頗具造型的下頜輪廓被認為最能勾勒臉型。最理想女性形象還擁有鄉村歌手泰勒•斯威夫特金黃色的輕柔卷發,盡管這尚未成為整容手術的一個選擇。 最理想女性形象沒有提到膚色、前額、眉毛、或者牙齒,不用擔心身體的其餘部分,雖然大部分的“理想”相貌也許都是通過整容、填充和隆鼻再造的。 所有的特征都取自當今的美國一線明星,這表明時尚潮流也在某種程度上影響瞭人們的選擇。 在澳大利亞,女性會花費850美元整型塑身,而根據美國美容整形外科學會的數據,美國人在2009年的整容消費高達100億美元。

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